Yasmin Chairunisa Muchtar, Inneke Qamariah


Entrepreneurship is believed as the best suited solution to overcome unemployment issue. Entrepreneurship creates job opportunities not only at small scope but also at broader scope. Hence, entrepreneurship is labeled as the backbone to support the economic growth of a nation. The higher the number of entrepreneurs in a country, the higher the possibilities of economic development. Hence, this research tries to investigate factors which hinder university students to become entrepreneurs and the underlying motivation which attract graduates to choose entrepreneur as primary career choice. This study uses qualitative research method by conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews. Next, there was a psychological test held to analyze entrepreneurial aptitude for 29 university students. Result shows 79.3% of total respondents have entrepreneurial potential and 72.4% of total respondents have entrepreneurial intention. Moreover, there are four students (%) with entrepreneurial intention possessing a low entrepreneurial potential. In addition, there are six students (%) with no entrepreneurial intention but have entrepreneurial potential.


entrepreneurial career intention, entrepreneurial potential, entrepreneurial characteristics


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