Glavan Roxana Florina


The financial structure reflects the method of financing be it from the company’s own or borrowed resources. Adopting a certain financial structure represents an important aspect of the financing policy of any company that aims at maximizing its market value, in a competitive economy. An important role, in this sense, is attributed to the analysis and fair assessment of options available to a company in order to secure the resources needed for an optimal conduct of business. The financial structure decision depends on the company, on its objectives for economic growth, on profitability and the risks it is willing to take, as well as shareholders, banks, the state and the economic conjecture. Thus the need for complex research and evaluations in regards to financing possibilities arises, with the aim of identifying an optimal structure of equities.

The goal of our undertaking is to explain the way in which the structure of equities is influenced by diverse adopted financing policies, but also by the object of activity of the company.


financing decision, financial structure, level of indebtedness, leverage, structural optimization


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