Lisdiana Lisdiana, Sri Suwitri, Y Warella, Hartuti Purnaweni


The question of household waste is a complex problem because it adversely affects society with its effects. In addition, lack of public understanding of the consequences that can be inflicted by household waste makes waste management increasingly difficult to be solved. This research aims to observe the policy evaluation impact of household waste management in Palembang City. The research method used by researchers is qualitative research. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation, while supplemented with audio-visual material that allows it to be taken in that field. The finding shows that the domestic of waste management policy in Palembang City has not run effectively. While, in the policy implementation of household waste management, it is necessary for community participation in handling the garbage that is found in its own home. The evaluation of the impact consisting of individual impact and society will be the high volume of household waste in Palembang City that can be solved by reducing the use of disposable goods and plastics. In addition, managed household garbage by doing garbage sorting that corresponds to the type and the formation of Garbage bank as a place to manage the garbage in recycling and economical value.


Evaluation; Effect; Management; Household Garbage; and Palembang City


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