Gabriela Elena BIŢAN, Stelian Mircea OLARU, Youssef HASSANI, Iulian Cristian COSTACHE


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented disruption to the global economy and world trade, with production and consumption falling dramatically in many economic. Organizations around the world have responded in many ways, from implementing working from home and restricting non-essential employee travel to canceling events. Under the new conditions, organizations must be prudent, analyze and review their short-term action plan to ensure the sustainability of the organization. Most large organizations have developed a business continuity plan. In contrast, small and medium-sized organizations have relatively limited resources to assess changes in the external environment and to develop and adopt such plans. In the context of these evolutions, the implementation of management system defined by international standards has become essential to ensure that products and services meet the imposed requirements. The main objective of the paper is to develop the approach for an integrated business continuity plan to facilitate the continuation and resumption of activities in safe conditions, both for people and for the environment, by integrating international management system. This approach can be applied by any organization, regardless of size or field of activity, but the priorities may differ, depending on the field in which the organization operates.


COVID-19 pandemic; health and safety; integrated business continuity plan; ISO standards; management systems standards


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