Social Capital and SME: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Directions
This study aims to review past literature on social capital and SME. The paper systematically discusses the literature on social capital and SME between the years 1999 to 2020. The Scopus database was selected to make the literature search process transparent, and the literature survey used social capital and SME as keywords. The PRISMA 2009 helped the selection and exclusion process. During the literature classification, the final 33 articles were used to find the gap and future directions of social capital and SMEs. The results revealed literature on the methodology of the studies, Social capital and SME performance, innovation, and marketing capabilities and CSR-SME relationship. The systematic review recommends that future research may focus more on mixed methodology, the direct relationship between social capital and SME performance in less available research areas, the link between dynamic capabilities (innovation, marketing) of SMEs, social capital CSR-SME relationship, social capital, and family SMEs to remove the existing gaps in the available literature.
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