Amalia C Nedelcut


In order to increase the competitiveness of artistic events organized by cultural entities in the Cluj area, we carried out an analysis on the managerial tools in relation to the resources used, with the intention of coordinating them. The literature reveals that the degree of performance can be related to the level of competitiveness of an organization; the present study seeks to highlight the causal relationships between the specific use of a managerial tool within artistic entities and their competitiveness potential.

The study, based on a survey, determined that managerial tools are not fully exploited in cultural organizations, whereas empirical data suggest that in the field of organizational resources the management of financial resources stands at the forefront. Therefore, we conclude that managers must focus on other priorities in resource management, the control and professionalization of financial management alone not generating increases in competitiveness (performance). The need for investments from the sponsors is directed towards technology, the management by the organizers as a whole of the resources, with emphasis on the professional development and the numerical growth of the involved staff being able to generate efficient performances, sources of increasing competitiveness.


competitiveness; performance; resources; cultural events; managers


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***Micul dicționar academic, ediția a II-a, Academia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică, Editura Univers Enciclopedic, 2010.

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