Ecaterina Rusu, Elina Benea-Popusoi


The paper aims at examining how economic clusters could address the low resilience of the Moldovan industries relying on inward processing. The authors conceptualize the notion of economic resilience under pandemic disruptions. They justify economic clusters contribute to building the resilience of their companies-members, particularly in the Republic Moldova. The analysis reveals despite some opportunities, Moldovan inward processing exports have turned out especially sensitive to the crisis. The dependence on lohn limits the ability of Moldovan enterprises to recover from disruptions. The research suggests that Moldovan companies capitalize on the experience of companies in the European Union, by forming or joining economic clusters. The authors hold the case of Republic Moldova reconfirms the direct correlation between the weak clusterization and the low level of economic resilience, thereby pointing to a vicious circle. To break this circle, authors conclude, Moldovan companies need to connect to the European Union's economic clustering process


disruption; economic cluster; inward processing; resilience; value chain.


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