This paper describes the results of an exploratory research on the Romanian country brand image, the country-of-origin image and the Romanian wines image. It is part of a larger study that includes, in addition to the exploratory research, case studies (Chile and France) and a quantitative research on a sample of 325 wine consumers from various countries. Qualitative research involved conducting non-directive interviews based on an interview guide on a sample of 21 wine experts from various countries - Italy, France, UK, Austria, etc., managers of wine companies, oenologists, brand managers etc. Our results show that the country brand and the country-of-origin image impact the Romanian wines image, influencing the perception of wine quality and wine image as a result of the generalization or halo effect. Furthermore, as shown in the literature review, it is possible to build the image of the country brand starting from the image of wines and their promotion in various markets alongside their origin (the case of Chile, Argentina, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia etc.). This article is original because it considers, in addition to the country-of-origin image and the image of its products, the general image of the country brand as a generic construct.
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