Teodora Elena Fogoros, Marieta Olaru, Cristian Ilie, Roxana Gavril


This research paper aims to highlight the factors influencing business resilience in the context of digital transformation, based on an empirical approach. In the existing literature, the focus is on the concept of digitization and its antecedents and outcomes, lacking its effects on organizational resilience. First, the paper presents an overview of the existing literature on resilience’s importance in business nowadays, followed by a concise outline of the impact of digital transformation in this process, as observed by recognized publishers in the latest years. As the business environment has a dynamic and unpredictable trace, due to accelerated digitization evolution, organizations are striving to turn any risk of resilience into an advantage. Secondly, after conducting an empirical research based on a quantitively analysis of 100 recent research papers, we identify the factors of influence on business resilience and the influence of digital transformation on business resilience. We strive that this research will help future organizations to better understand the importance of resilience and to easily adapt digitization in their processes.


business resilience; digital transformation; dynamic environment; organization adaptability; risk anticipation


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