Use of assurance services for integrated reporting in developing Georgia.

Manana Mchedlishvili


The economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has had the most severe impact on the financial accounting and auditing of enterprises.Hindered the events of the reporting period and the possibility of continuous operation of the enterprise. Integrated reporting is the brief communication of how an organization's strategy, management, efficiency, and prospects create value in the short, medium, and long term. Many of the world's leading companies publish integrated reports outlining key reporting innovations.

Further development of practical approaches is needed in this relatively new and underdeveloped field of integrated reporting and assurance services. Individuals involved in reporting and assurance service providers should be the initiators of the news and provide their views and comments to the standards development bodies. Consumers should actually evaluate their expectations for the assurance service. The belief in integrated accounts lays a solid foundation for gaining capital markets and public confidence so that enterprises can maintain stability and grow their business sustainably.


Integrated reporting, Assurance service, Reasoned services, Auditor responsibilities, Forecast information.


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