Ermin Cero, Emina Balić


Since most of the companies are becoming aware of the fact how important employee performance is, finding out ways to achieve higher levels of employee performance is becoming one of the crucial factors for any companies’ success. To help employees achieve better performance, company management needs to know which factors influence employees to perform better. So, few of these factors are tested throughout this study and provide answers that might be helpful to companies that are struggling to motivate employees. The aim of this study is to research into factors that influence the performance of employees on offshoring location in Sarajevo and these factors are Training, Motivation, and Organizational culture. The results that are presented and discussed throughout the study showed that all three hypotheses are accepted, which tells us that there is a positive relationship between Training, Motivation, Organizational culture and Employee Performance in Jitasa LLC. As currently there is no study of this kind conducted in organization that employs offshoring concept, theoretical and empirical contribution is granted. The limitation of the study is relatively small sample and the fact that we could not address all the factors that might influence employee performance.


accounting; employee performance; motivation; offshoring; training


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