Oana-Georgiana CIOBANU, Carmen-Eugenia NĂSTASE, Daniela-Mihaela NEAMȚU


Entrepreneurship is now recognized as the fundamental economic basis for development of the country. It is considered as an active, determinant and orientated factor of the development of national economy.International business circles approach entrepreneurship as the driving force, aspiring towards globalization, ensuring the flow of goods and services. The objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Romanian entrepreneurial ecosystem as well as motivating and supporting Generation Y in developing entrepreneurial initiative. Small Businesses represent the future of Romania. Own business offers the opportunity to express abilities and talent, for the application of the professional experience, for personal development. The purpose of this scientific approach is to propose a comprehensive analysis through a questionnaire distributed to the representatives of Generation Y from “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. The survey had 118 respondentsbetween 20-35 years old,students of local University,of which were validated only 100 questionnaires and followed the way the younger Generation Y, regards entrepreneurship as a possible launch rail, on the labor market or even more, if it has been involved in the development of business environment,supporting and generating start-ups and designing trends and policies to encourage the prospective young entrepreneurs.


Generation Y, entrepreneurship, business environment, economic development, entrepreneurial education.


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