Remus Dorel ROȘCA


The promotion of the student centred education paradigm in the Romanian universities represents a priority in the actual context in which they activate, characterized by: the reduction of the student number, the increase of the competition between universities also due to the promotion of the foreign universities on the Romanian market, significant changes in the students’ learning style, the increase of the students’ abandon, the increase of the employers’ demands and of the importance of education as a vital factor of competitiveness of a national economy. As a consequence, the decision factors at the level of the Line Ministry, ARACIS, especially in universities, should be aware of the importance and the necessity of implementing the student centred education in the Romanian academic educational system. The purpose of this paper is to facilitate this awareness but also to offer a guide, a model for the actual implementation of the student centred education. In time these will be reflected on the competitiveness and the development level of the Romanian economy, on the living standard and the quality of the citizens’ life.


good practice guide, organizational culture, student-centered education


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