Narcisa Roxana MOSTEANU


This paper aims to examine the result of implication of fiscal policy and their objectives in Romanian economy during 2000 – 2015. The analysis is focused on the expectations and results achieved through the implemented objectives of the fiscal policy. The paper draws especially on the results reflected in the revenues collected to the general consolidated budget of the state, in the share of deficit of general consolidated budget of the state in GDP, on the level of taxation. Also the paper use the financial and fiscal regulation during the period mentioned. Fiscal policy has intense interactions with regional policies, budgetary, monetary, social, as well as and development strategies, regional or national. This aspect is important in order to achieve macroeconomic stability, resulted in achieving sustainable economic growth, in condition of des-inflation, maintaining the current account deficit within limits financed in a sustainable way (in particular foreign direct investment) and strengthening the state foreign exchange reserve.


fiscal policy, fiscal policy objectives, general consolidated budget of the state, of the budget deficit, GDP, revenues, expenditures, taxation


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