Aida Petronela CATANA


The growth poles were established in Romania in 2008 as centers for urban development in compliance with European and national policies and they include an urban nucleus and its rural surroundings.  According to the legal framework, for each of the growth poles an Integrated Development Plan should be adopted as basis for European Structural and Cohesion Funds investments. This is a new document in addition to local development plans/strategies of the local communities or counties and regional development plans. From another point of view, the growth poles are representing teritorial units which have to assure territorial cohesion for its urban and rural administrative units. Into this respect, there are different spatial planning documents which have to be followed by the territorial and administrative units, according to the Romanian legislation. Beyond these, there are rules and compulsory criterias for accessing European Structural and Cohesion funds the problems being faced by the associations established by local communities in order to manage the growth poles’s areas. Taking into account all these, we may say that growth poles are the crossing points for different policies translated into plans and operational programmes’s criterias for getting ESC Funds.


European Structural and Cohesion Funds, growth pole Brasov, regional policy, territorial cohesion


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