
This study analyses the population of Bacău County focusing on two phenomena, unemployment and emigration, trying to find to what extent there is an interaction between it. Failure to find employment results into a social pressure and discouragement, and, sometimes, leads to emigration of those who hope for a better future there where they can find a job and make a better living, for them and their families. Thus, emigration is often seen as a solution against unemployment, both phenomena being part of the situation that these county is facing with. Neglecting the long-term effects, at the present moment emigration is seen as a solution for the high rate of unemployment. If emigration is seen like a salvation solution for unemployment on short and medium-term, it is hard to foresee the exactly long-term impact, but should not be neglected the risks of a highly negative long-term impact. To reduce the gaps of a descriptive analysis, were used statistical data provided by National Institute of Statistics, data that were processed and presented through cartographic method.


Bacău County; emigration; interaction; unemployment, young workforce


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