Denisa Adriana COTÎRLEA


This article was written in order to provide an overview regarding the opportunities of promoting Romania’s image and identity through the brain circulation phenomenon; it deals with skilled migration from a developing country perspective, while emphasizing the influences that the Brain Circulation phenomenon can have in promoting Romania’s image and identity abroad, within the nation branding process. Perceived as being one of the most important and sustainable assets that assures continuous development, the subject of nation branding became a widely approached one; thus, due to its complexity, the promotion of a nation within the nation branding process met various methods and techniques, while one of the most important elements has been avoided: the subject of the brain drain circulation, whose perspective regarding its image of the country of origin can suffer modifications while traveling abroad and who can influence other’s opinion by becoming authentic representatives of their nation, country ambassadors across the borders. Considering this, the paper aims at facilitating readers’ understanding regarding nation branding process, country image promotion and brain circulation phenomenon by identifying and explaining their connections and by highlighting their role in assuring long term prosperity.


nation branding; image; identity; Romania.


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