Cristina LINCARU, Vasilica CIUCĂ, Speranța PIRCIOG, Draga ATANASIU, Beatrice CHIRIAC


Identifying locations that are part of the LAU2 two types of clusters HH and LL which indicates similarities in the level of unemployment registered, with the same tendency level indicator in neighbourhood values is achieved by spatial statistical analysis method Local Indicators of Spatial Association LISA (Anselin 1995, 1996) and calculated in Geoda Software. Each location LAU2’s type (national, HH or LL) is profiled as calculated in SPSS by the statistical mean of characteristics relevant indicators to the labour market: The number of registered unemployed, number of employees, average population density / km2, average number of people entering the LAU2 following the change of domicile by reference environment and national levels in 2010 and 2013 in Romania. Data source is provided by National Institute of Statistic INS – TEMPO online database, socio-economic indicators detailed level LAU2 / NUTS 5, with a selection for 2010 and 2013. These research results have been achieved in the Project NUCLEU PN - 420 118: Spatial distribution of market indicators cohesion policy, made in 2014 and in the project DYNAHU.


cluster, registered unemployment, LAU2/NUTS5, cohesion policy


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