
According to the explanatory memorandum, by adopting a new Civil Code the intention was to introduce the regulatory monistic conception of the relations in private law in one code. Therefore the legislator declares that it incorporated "all" regulations regarding persons, family relations and trade relations in a single act: the Civil Code. To what extent the above stated intention is reflected in reality we try to analyze below.

Both before adopting the new civil Code and also now, the controversy aroused by the unitary/plural character of private law only concerns the area of trade and commerce. Because the monistic theory of regulatory issues, has always bordered on the civil-commercial law relationship, our approach will also only fit in this range


monistic theory, commercial law, private law.


Regarding the necessity of a new civil code versus modifying the existent one, see Duţu, M. (2011) Noul Cod civil: o etapă importantă în dezvoltarea dreptului român modern, in Noul Cod civil. Comentarii., coord. M. Uliescu, 3rd edn., ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, p. 15;

It has been stated that the name “Civil Code” is inadequate for its content- see Duţu, M., op. cit., p. 35;

Dumitru, M. (2011), Drept profesional. Teoria generala a contractului profesional., Editura Institutul European Iasi, p.18

Buta, Gh. (2011) Noul Cod civil şi unitatea dreptului privat, in Noul Cod civil. Comentarii., coord. M. Uliescu, 3rd edn., ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, p. 60;

Ignătescu, C. (2010) Sisteme de drepturi subiective, Analele USV, secţiunea FSEAP, no. 12, Editura Universităţii “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava;

Duţu, M. (2013) Noul Cod civil român: recodificare, reformă, progres juridic, ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, p. 80;

Cărpenaru, St. (2010) Dreptul comercial, în conditiile Noului Cod civil, in Curierul Judiciar no. 10/2010, pp. 543-546;

Duţu, M., op. cit., p. 85;

Dumitru, M. (2012) Perspectivele dreptului privat român, in Jurnalul de studii juridice, supliment no. 1/2012, pp. 129-136;

Piperea, Gh. (2011) Introducere în dreptul contractelor profesionale, ed. C. H. Beck, Bucureşti, p. 5; Buta, Gh., op. cit., p. 62; Uliescu, M. (2011) Cuvânt înainte for Noul Cod civil. Comentarii., coord. M. Uliescu, 3rd edn., ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, p. 11;

The formulation is rather ambiguous and will generate controversy and different jurisprudential solutions, especially regarding the meaning of “the spirit” of the civil Code.

Ignătescu, C. (1998) Regimul juridic al grupurilor de societăţi comerciale, Simpozionul “Început de mileniu trei: Economia românească în context european”, Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava;

Uliescu, M., op. cit., p. 9;

Ignătescu, C. (2009) Exerciţiul drepturilor subiective, in Pro Iure magazine, no. 3/2009, ed. 4 COLORS, Suceava;

Georgescu, I.L. (2002) Drept comercial român, vol. I, ed. All Beck, Bucureşti, p. 40;

Buta, G., op. cit., p. 50;

Duţu, M., op. cit., p. 46.

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