Brand strategies are becoming more and more common to all of us, irrespective of the field we carry our day to day activities: trade, politics, sports, art, education, fashion, everything is branded. This paper proposes an analysis of city branding process as a response to the local versus global debate, highlighting the city branding status in Romania, from the European perspective, as a first step, and further as an opportunity of accessing global community. In reaching this point, the paper provides a broader examination of city branding process, focusing on few successful city branding stories. The paper uses the experience of other Central Eastern European cities with which Romania shares the same (at a certain degree) political, social and economic background, to notice the similarities or differences between the cities of Romania and other countries’ strategies. Second data analysis will offer supplementary information about the effectiveness of city brand strategies. According to our research findings, the city brand is still in its early stages in Romania.
Key words: city brand, globalization, local, Romania
JEL Classification: M30, O18
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