Maria-Magdalena Lupu



In an era of great informational speed, the demands towards the public institutions, increases proportionally. The quality of communication in the public institutions with the public can assure the good functioning of the organization and this has to be the main priority in management. The public organization, understanding its politics, the quality of the services offered to the public, its co participation in taking decisions requires communication, thing that allows both knowing social demands but also the diagnosis of the critical situations that brings the necessary transformation and leads to change. Managerial communication can motivate and inspire by creating a context and meaning, a positive vision on the organizational future and can underline the importance of the individual contribution to generate higher goals, improving not only the motivation but the team spirit of the group or the entire organization.

The results of the empirical study on the managerial communication influence on the public and private institutional activities in the South Muntenia district presented in this article represents our attempt to find valid and valuable answers to the scientific problem we aimed to solve.


managerial communication, Use of Knowledge, organizations


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