
The metropolitan municipalities’ public income composed both from their capital and the contribution of the central government for an effective and efficient provision of the public services to the local citizens in Turkey. In that regard, the Law No. 3030 that enforced in the year 1984 was a regulation that encompassing a starting point for metropolitan municipalities in related with the financial allocated pies. In this way, the first objective of the article is to examine the transition of the financial pies of the metropolitan municipalities before the enactment of the Law No 6360 entitled ‘The Establishment of Fourteen Metropolitan Municipalities and Twenty-Seven Districts and Amendments at Certain Law and Decree Laws’. The second objective of the study is examining related items of the Law No. 6360 about the financial system that creating changes on the allocated pies of the metropolitan municipalities for putting forth the effects of the Law No. 6360 on the transition of the financial system of the metropolitan municipalities. Finally, new regulations of metropolitan municipalities after the enforcement of the Law No. 6360 is analyzed within the framework of the TR62 cities of Adana and Mersin regarding G.B.V.G. and per capita income.


Metropolitan Municipality Income, Law No.6360, TR 62 cities, G.B.V.G., per capita income



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