The collapse of the New York Stock Exchange during the interwar period, the completion of the Second World War, with all its atrocities have determined a series of mutations in the social-cultural sphere, especially from the perspective of values. The post-modernism generated mistrust in the meta-narratives of modernity. The transition to post-modernity came with a change in the worldview and the contemporary world, as the old meta-narratives were deconstructed. The meta-narrative deconstruction, the post-death of God and the twilight of the debt marked the beginning of a new period where the old values are replaced with some new values tailored on the contemporary society.
In this paper we wish to discuss a number of issues raised by the trans-humanist current, since they conflict with the moral and religious beliefs. As part of our approach we will deal with some aspects: the eternal life (immortality), the genetic editing and the moral perfection (moral enhancement). Our argument is that it is wrong and immoral for the man to intervene in the divine work in order to change the human nature as man as a rational being must assume the condition of being mortal and obey to the divine will, without trying to modify this status in any way.
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