Alexandru Trifu, Ariadna-Ioana Juravle (Gavra), Loredana Terec-Vlad


Both the individuals and groups or the large organizations increasingly focus on responsibility: be it the responsibility in everyday actions or about the responsibility towards business partners, the environment, animals etc. the idea of ​​assuming responsibility is becoming more and more present in the personal life and in the professional life and also in the leadership theory and practice. We live within social communities and economic entities and must answer for our actions; we must also provide a base for our decisions because they do not only affect ourselves but everyone else.

The responsibility to each other and the responsibility towards the non-presence replace the Kantian categorical imperative given that the post-modernity comes with a reversal of values in all ​​social spheres. In our work we analyze the concept of responsibility, stressing the philosophical aspect of it and place it in the economic sphere, specifically at the corporate level, by developing the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. We are therefore in the presence of a bi-univocal corporation ↔ individual responsibility relationship


responsibility, care, the other, bi-univocal relationships, Corporate Social Responsibility.


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