The paper presents the study of young consumer`s perception and attitudes regarding healthy lifestyle, particularly consumption of  fitness services in Georgia.  The  study relies  on the different scientific publications on social marketing, consumer`s behavior and marketing promotions. The research underlines, that  the effective  social marketing campaigns  should be based on the triangle of interventions: education, marketing, and law.  Research revealed the strong relationship between youth`s physical activity, health and education through the use of social marketing approach. Lack of knowledge about the significance of physical education at Georgian public schools and universities makes barriers for   popularization of fitness service among younger  audiences. There is a need to change behavior of the youth, to identify the different needs and preferences, which should be linked directly with creation  of customer oriented affords. The survey emphasizes the significant role of integrated marketing communications for increasing demand of young people on the health products.  The research notes, that social media could be a driving force for the long-term customer retention, financial performance and business continuity in this field. Collaborative working between civil society, government, private sector and media will increase   motivation of youth to engaging   in health behavior change.
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