Sustainable development Goals (SDGs): 1 and 5 –complementary towards fulfillment of Goals through BNF grant: an analysis among the Beneficiaries
Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF) has been launched by the Bangladesh Government in 2004 with the aim to support of the partner Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in assigning in taking up socio- economic development activities and poverty alleviation as well as gender balances through small amount of BNF Grant. The country has also been in front of enormous challenges of feeding the rapidly increasing population or even to support their livelihood in a sustainable manner. Bangladesh NGO foundation already disbursed more than 115 Crore taka through partner organizations out of which 36% is male while 64% is female beneficiary. The study intends to see whether SDG 1 and 5 is helping to implement both the goals through BNF grant fund as a complementary manner. Time period of the study was 1st March 2017 to 31th July,2017 . This study aimed to find out whether sustainable development goal 1 and 5 of BNF partner organization due to BNF grant is indicating any significant role? Research question of the study is whether BNF’s partner organizations sustainable development goal 1 and 5 of BNF partner organization due to BNF grant? Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect the data for this study. NGOs are employed for women’s enterprise since escalating women’s economic opportunities is fundamental to sustainable growth and building more equitable societies. In this study, 93.9% of the organizations give help to women entrepreneurs. Majority (69.6%) of the respondents were strongly agreed that BNF’s financing and capital formatting solve social problem. It has been seen that there was significant association between NGOs role for removing poverty and fulfilling towards SDG1 and 5 as working for complementary through funds for zero poverty and disparity removing among inequality of poor women group has been also occurring. Marketing strategy through arranging supply chain management and setting up Business incubator by the authority of BNF is desirable. However, restructuring of BNF is required as it lacks any vision, mission and marketing approach as well as supply chain management process .Further, at rural area govt. of the country should set up community banking for channelling micro saving to micro investment.
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