Margarita Išoraitė


The article analyzes that guerrilla marketing is not limited to traditional means. Usually, its use is noticeable in the online space. This is the most effective tool for guerrilla marketing, which includes e-mail or mailing lists, forums, social networks, blogs. With this tool, target markets are attainable and strong interconnections are created. The greatest benefit of this tool is interactivity, inclusion, unlimited dissemination and feedback. Of course, in order to cope with  guerrilla marketing on the internet, one should keep in mind the following features: planning; content; design; user enrolment; execution processes; shares; crisis plan; a long list of addresses. There are a lot of tools to use in marketing, but it's important to choose the best one. You can use everything to find out which is the most effective for the company. With the help of the results obtained later, we reject unsuccessful variations. Although guerrilla marketing is a unique tool for small businesses that do not want to spend a lot of cost on advertising, they are rapidly starting to connect and well-known, large companies. As the modern consumer is becoming more passive and the range of products and services on the market is becoming more competitive, partisan marketing is offered to companies only for their benefit.

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internet guerrilla marketing, advertising, marketing tools, marketing, Facebook


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