Cristina Gabriela Leliuc Cosmulese, Veronica Grosu, Elena HLACIUC


In the age of knowledge, intangible assets have a higher strategic importance than corporal assets. It was found that the market value of the entity is greater than its carrying amount, the difference being due to intangible items:

Market Value - Book Value = Intangible Assets

Intangible assets that are hard to recognize and evaluate are usually internally generated brands, customer lists, news headlines and magazines, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, goodwill, and so on. In fact, this type of asset can not be found in companies' financial statements.

In this paper, we focused our attention on one of the elements listed above, namely the brand concept. In continuation are presented the most exhaustive ways to evaluate brands, the situations in which brand evaluation is useful, and the progress made in this field in Romania.

In terms of intangible assets, measuring them, though subject to many scientific studies, is quite controversial. Thus, any evaluation methodology may, in some respects, be challenged.


: specific intangible assets, brands, valuation methods, the market approach, the income approach, the cost approach, internally generated, international standards


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