

Companies have recognized that people buy or consume products not only for their functional value but also to enhance their self-concept through the symbolic meaning embedded in these products, customers seek brands with a personality identical with their own personality.

In this research we will present a literature review of the impact of the congruence between brand personality and self-image on the four dependent variables considered in this research: satisfaction, attitude, preference and behavioral intentions. In the first part we will present the transposition of the human personality to brand personality. In the second part, we will define the concept of brand personality. In the third part, we will examine the concept of self-image. In the fourth part, we will analyze the congruence between brand personality and self-image. In the fifth part, we will expose the hypotheses of research that we will use in our next empirical study, and we will also elaborate the conceptual model of this research. In the sixth and final part, we will present the managerial implications.


brand personality; brand loyalty; congruence; satisfaction; self-concept.


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