The development strategies broadly mirror the vision of the public administrations upon the territorial evolution and hereupon convey their perception into local policies of valorification of the existing resources. Albeit the methodologies standing at the base of development strategies for the communes already encloses interviewing the citizens on matters concerning the development process, the present study aims to catch the very perception of the inhabitants belonging to Moldovița territorial system upon the local development by comparative interrogation of two target groups, namely, the 12grade students from Moldovița and Vatra Moldoviței communes and their parents. Processing the questionnaire revealed, depending on the plans targeted, both a unity of opinions regarding the tourism development and distinct differences on understanding the future role of the woods, migration or infrastructure. The difference in vision upon development in the case of the two groups interviewed shows, in our opinion, the degree of concrete grip held by the local development strategies on the economic exercise for which they are made. Thus, youngsters mostly wish for the development of tourism and access facilities, while their parents have a wider range of opinions largely anchored to the traditional economic development of the community.
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