Gabriela Cristina Cosmulese, Ludmila Mihai


The products and services provided by the forest to the population have a great economic and social value, the place of the forestry economy in the national economy being illustrated by the demand for these products and services on the internal and international market. Forests play an important role, not only in the intake of carbon dioxide, but also in the production of biomass and through their potential they have in the renewable energies field. These are important also from a social and cultural point of view, being attractive for the rural and urban population, allowing recreational or healthy activities to take place and they represent an important cultural patrimony. They produce a multitude of goods (wood, berries, edible mushrooms) and protective and recreational activities (hydrological, soil and biodiversity protection). Thus, more and more entrepreneurs tend to develop a business in the field of forestry and forestry exploitation. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether a business in the field is truly cost-effective and whether it can meet both the expectations of the managers and the needs of the clients.


Forestry, forestry economy, forest fund, microeconomic, macroeconomic.


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