Otilia Maria Bordeianu


In this changing environment the managers and the employees have to rapidly adapt. They have to be opened and prepared for new strategies and to understand the fact that risk and innovation are unavoidable. Organizations cannot compete in this ever-changing environment without proper knowledge and lack of capacity for renewal. Managers have to manage the organization in such a manner that the employees will change their vision, ideas and attitudes on long term. Organizations need to see knowledge management as a strategy, this means knowing how to apply knowledge management (KM) concepts to enhance the performance of the system and processes. The aim of the paper is to identify ways in which companies can develop and support the KM strategy to drive more value, by revising the practices in order to ensure the knowledge focus. The companies are more and more aware about the potential of focusing on learning and training. Among the benefits of approaching knowledge management strategy within organisations we must underline its positive impact on organisational performance, ensuring not only its survival but even providing a competitive advantage.


knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge management strategy, learning organization, performance


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