Credit cards in Mexico: Correct use of plastic money
It can be said that the use of credit cards is on the rise and one of the studied markets is that of college students, the greater part of them being first-time users of credit cards. Card usage tendencies are mentioned throughout the study, as well as the description of their general good or bad use. Also, causes are identified as to why they are incorrectly used sometimes, which results in risks to their users. In addition, the study mentions some points to be considered for a better credit card management in order to obtain the best possible benefit from this purchase resource, which can also be a financing resource if it is known how to properly use it. The conclusion is that we must be aware of our own financial situation and know how to distinguish when we are able to acquire a certain good and when we are not; besides, we need to be patient and try not to be someone else through superfluous possessions that lead us into debt in an irresponsible way.
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